Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Despite my constant clamoring for a moratorium on change, I find myself in the midst of a move from one blog "host" to another (whatever that means). My main motivation is to allow my three faithful readers to post comments without selling their homes and social security numbers to Google.

You are probably put in mind of Kuhn's classic text The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, which reminds us all that shifts from one mode of being to another tend to leave us in a state of anxiety. Look what happened to Copernicus.

While I am not particularly afraid of being excommunicated or beheaded for what I'm up to, I am a little apprehensive lest my three faithful readers be unable to find me. So here's a link to the new site: http://unrulygardener.me

Maybe that won't even show up as a link. Maybe you'll have to love me enough to type the address in by hand. I sure hope you'll get there, however you can. I'd hate to be left out here talking to myself.

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